151 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Review of the Immunological Response against Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Infection and Its Evasion Mechanisms

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    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral disease, which has been reported for over 100 years, and against which the struggle has lasted for the same amount of time. It affects individuals from the order Artiodactyla, such as cattle, swine, sheep, wild animals from this order, and a few non-cloven hoofed species, such as mice and elephants. FMD causes large-scale economic losses for agricultural production systems; morbidity is almost 100% in an affected population, accompanied by a high mortality rate in young animals due to myocarditis or an inability to suckle if a mother is ill. The aetiological agent is an Aphthovirus from the family Picornaviridae, having seven serotypes: A, O, C, SAT1, SAT2, SAT3, and Asia 1. Serotype variability means that an immune response is serospecific and vaccines are thus designed to protect against each serotype independently. A host’s adaptive immune response is key in defence against pathogens; however, this virus uses successful strategies (along with most microorganisms) enabling it to evade a host’s immune system to rapidly and efficiently establish itself within such host, and thus remain there. This review has been aimed at an in-depth analysis of the immune response in cattle and swine regarding FMD virus, the possible evasion mechanisms used by the virus and describing some immunological differences regarding these species. Such aspects can provide pertinent knowledge for developing new FMD control and prevention strategie

    Mass & secondary structure propensity of amino acids explain their mutability and evolutionary replacements

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    Why is an amino acid replacement in a protein accepted during evolution? The answer given by bioinformatics relies on the frequency of change of each amino acid by another one and the propensity of each to remain unchanged. We propose that these replacement rules are recoverable from the secondary structural trends of amino acids. A distance measure between high-resolution Ramachandran distributions reveals that structurally similar residues coincide with those found in substitution matrices such as BLOSUM: Asn Asp, Phe Tyr, Lys Arg, Gln Glu, Ile Val, Met → Leu; with Ala, Cys, His, Gly, Ser, Pro, and Thr, as structurally idiosyncratic residues. We also found a high average correlation (\overline{R} R = 0.85) between thirty amino acid mutability scales and the mutational inertia (I X ), which measures the energetic cost weighted by the number of observations at the most probable amino acid conformation. These results indicate that amino acid substitutions follow two optimally-efficient principles: (a) amino acids interchangeability privileges their secondary structural similarity, and (b) the amino acid mutability depends directly on its biosynthetic energy cost, and inversely with its frequency. These two principles are the underlying rules governing the observed amino acid substitutions. © 2017 The Author(s)

    The DNA load of six high-risk human papillomavirus types and its association with cervical lesions

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    Background: Analysing human papillomavirus (HPV) viral load is important in determining the risk of developing cervical cancer (CC); most knowledge to date regarding HPV viral load and cervical lesions has been related to HPV-16. This study evaluated the association between the viral load of the six most prevalent high-risk viral types in Colombia and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) frequency. Methods: 114 women without CIN and 59 women having CIN confirmed by colposcopy, all of them positive by conventional PCR for HPV infection in the initial screening, were included in the study. Samples were tested for six high-risk HPV types to determine viral copy number by real-time PCR. Crude and adjusted odds ratios (ORa) were estimated for evaluating the association between each viral type's DNA load and the risk of cervical lesions occurring. Results: The highest viral loads were identified for HPV-33 in CIN patients and for HPV-31 in patients without lesions (9.33 HPV copies, 2.95 interquartile range (IQR); 9.41 HPV copies, 2.58 IQR). Lesions were more frequent in HPV-16 patients having a low viral load (3.53 ORa, 1.16-10.74 95%CI) compared to those having high HPV-16 load (2.62 ORa, 1.08-6.35 95%CI). High viral load in HPV-31 patients was associated with lower CIN frequency (0.34 ORa, 0.15-0.78 95%CI). Conclusions: An association between HPV DNA load and CIN frequency was seen to be type-specific and may have depended on the duration of infection. This analysis has provided information for understanding the effect of HPV DNA load on cervical lesion development.This project was supported by the Basque Development Cooperation Agency, the Spanish International Development Cooperation Agency (AECID) (Project 10-CAP1-0197) and the Colombian Science, Technology and Innovation Department (COLCIENCIAS) (contract # 0709-2013)

    Persistence, clearance and reinfection regarding six high risk human papillomavirus types in Colombian women: a follow-up study

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    Background: The design of new healthcare schemes which involve using molecular HPV screening means that both persistence and clearance data regarding the most prevalent types of HR-HPV occurring in cities in Colombia must be ascertained. Methods: This study involved 219 HPV positive women in all of whom 6 types of HR-HPV had been molecularly identified and quantified; they were followed-up for 2 years. The Kaplan-Meier survival function was used for calculating the time taken for the clearance of each type of HPV. The role of a group of independent variables concerning the time taken until clearance was evaluated using a Cox proportional-hazards regression model or parametric (log-logistic) methods when necessary. Regarding viral load, the Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used for measuring the difference of medians for viral load for each type, according to the state of infection (cleared or persistent). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used for evaluating the change in the women's colposcopy findings at the start of follow-up and at the end of it (whether due to clearance or the end of the follow-up period). Results: It was found that HPV-18 and HPV-31 types had the lowest probability of becoming cleared (1.76 and 2.75 per 100 patients/month rate, respectively). Women from Colombian cities other than Bogota had a greater probability of being cleared if they had HPV-16 (HR 2.58: 1.51-4.4 95% CI) or HPV-58 (1.79 time ratio: 1.33-2.39 95% CI) infection. Regarding viral load, HPV-45-infected women having 1 x 10(6) to 9.99 x 10(9) viral copies had better clearance compared to those having greater viral loads (1.61 time ratio: 1.01-2.57 95% CI). Lower HPV-31 viral load values were associated with this type's persistence and changes in colposcopy findings for HPV-16 gave the worst prognosis in women having low absolute load values. Conclusions: HPV infection clearance in this study was related to factors such as infection type, viral load and the characteristics of the cities from which the women came. Low viral load values would indicate viral persistence and a worse prognosis regarding a change in colposcopy findings

    Evaluación in vitro de péptidos antimicrobianos contra mycosphaerella fijiensis morelet y su interacción con algunos fungicidas químicos.

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    El interés en el uso de péptidos antimicrobianos para el control de enfermedades de hongos en plantas de banano ha aumentado en los últimos años. En este trabajo se analizó la actividad antifúngica de diferentes péptidos sobre el desarrollo in vitro de Mycosphaerella fijiensis y se encontró que estos inhiben el crecimiento micelial del hongo y la germinación de sus ascosporas. Todos los péptidos evaluados mostraron actividad contra el hongo, aunque con marcadas diferencias en los valores de IC50 los cuales variaron entre 3,06 y 239,61 μg/ mL. Los péptidos que presentaron mayor actividad fueron los designados Ib-AMP4 e Ib-AMP2, ambos derivados de la planta Impatiens balsamina. De otro lado, la actividad in vitro de estos péptidos parece ser compatible con algunos fungicidas químicos ya que cuando se usaron en forma combinada, no se encontraron efectos antagónicos o sinérgicos con estos agentes. Los hallazgos sugieren que los péptidos antimicrobianos podrían ser utilizados como posibles estrategias alternativas para el control de la Sigatoka negra

    Desarrollo y pruebas de campo de la vacuna sintética contra la malaria spf66

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    De acuerdo a estadísticas recientes de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, se estima que 2100 millones de personas habitan en cerca de 100 países donde la malaria es una enfermedad endémica, afectando cerca de 270 millones de individuos anualmente y siendo la causa directa de por 10 menos dos millones de muertos al año, especialmente de niños menores de cinco años de edad. Las medidas de control del vector y del parásito con insecticidas y quimioterapia parecían ser suficientes para la erradicación, pero a lo largo del tiempo se ha demostrado la poca eficacia de estas medidas, hacienda que el desarrollo de una vacuna sea esencial como un componente efectivo para el control y erradicación de la malaria especialmente en los países del tercer mundo

    Human papillomavirus detection in women with and without human immunodeficiency virus infection in Colombia

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    Background: HIV infection leads to a decreasing immune response, thereby facilitating the appearance of other infections, one of the most important ones being HPV. However, studies are needed for determining associations between immunodeficiency caused by HIV and/or the presence of HPV during the course of cervical lesions and their degree of malignancy. This study describes the cytological findings revealed by the Papanicolaou test, laboratory characteristics and HPV molecular profile in women with and without HIV infection. Methods: A total of 216 HIV-positive and 1,159 HIV-negative women were invited to participate in the study; PCR was used for the molecular detection of HPV in cervical samples. Statistical analysis (such as percentages, Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test when applicable) determined human papillomavirus (HPV) infection frequency (single and multiple) and the distribution of six types of high-risk-HPV in women with and without HIV infection. Likewise, a logistic regression model was run to evaluate the relationship between HIV-HPV infection and different risk factors. Results: An association was found between the frequency of HPV infection and infection involving 2 or more HPV types (also known as multiple HPV infection) in HIV-positive women (69.0% and 54.2%, respectively); such frequency was greater than that found in HIV-negative women (44.3% and 22.7%, respectively). Statistically significant differences were observed between both groups (p = 0.001) regarding HPV presence (both in infection and multiple HPV infection). HPV-16 was the most prevalent type in the population being studied (p = 0.001); other viral types had variable distribution in both groups (HIV-positive and HIV-negative). HPV detection was associated with <500 cell/mm(3) CD4-count (p = 0.004) and higher HIV-viral-load (p = 0.001). HPV-DNA detection, <200 cell/mm(3) CD4-count (p = 0.001), and higher HIV-viral-load (p = 0.001) were associated with abnormal cytological findings. Conclusions: The HIV-1 positive population in this study had high multiple HPV infection prevalence. The results for this population group also suggested a greater association between HPV-DNA presence and cytological findings. HPV detection, together with low CD4 count, could represent useful tools for identifying HIV-positive women at risk of developing cervical lesions.This project was supported by the Basque Cooperation Agency Development and by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) (Project 10-CAP1-0197)

    Distribution Patterns of Infection with Multiple Types of Human Papillomaviruses and Their Association with Risk Factors

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    Background: Infection with multiple types of human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the main risk factors associated with the development of cervical lesions. In this study, cervical samples collected from 1, 810 women with diverse sociocultural backgrounds, who attended to their cervical screening program in different geographical regions of Colombia, were examined for the presence of cervical lesions and HPV by Papanicolau testing and DNA PCR detection, respectively. Principal Findings: The negative binomial distribution model used in this study showed differences between the observed and expected values within some risk factor categories analyzed. Particularly in the case of single infection and coinfection with more than 4 HPV types, observed frequencies were smaller than expected, while the number of women infected with 2 to 4 viral types were higher than expected. Data analysis according to a negative binomial regression showed an increase in the risk of acquiring more HPV types in women who were of indigenous ethnicity (+37.8%), while this risk decreased in women who had given birth more than 4 times (-31.1%), or were of mestizo (-24.6%) or black (-40.9%) ethnicity. Conclusions: According to a theoretical probability distribution, the observed number of women having either a single infection or more than 4 viral types was smaller than expected, while for those infected with 2-4 HPV types it was larger than expected. Taking into account that this study showed a higher HPV coinfection rate in the indigenous ethnicity, the role of underlying factors should be assessed in detail in future studies.This project was funded by Asociacion Investigacion Solidaria SADAR, Caja Navarra (Navarra, Spain) and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) (Project 08-CAP2-0609)
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